Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Time goes on.
It won't let you stop and take a picture of all the memories.
It won't let you have the great amazing smile shine from ear to ear.
And it certainly won't let you enjoy that moment forever.
The greatest moments of anyone's life will always be for a short moment of time,
Time goes...

Time goes on.
Like a ticking time bomb
Waiting for one thing to go wrong and BOOM!
That great feeling,
Is now gone and in the past.
Time goes on...

Time goes on.
It rapidly moves on.
As if when you blink,
It's over and done,
And there's no going back.
Time goes on...

Time goes on.
Though they are short,
They are great so when they happen,
Don’t ruin the moment,
And make it count,
Because time goes on,
And so does life.

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Is it a bad thing that I vividly remember all the bad things in life? That I can't remember the last time that I was truly happy, without someone screwing up that moment? I remember the fights. The screaming. The crying. The times when I felt all alone in the world, and there was no one to talk to.  I thought my thoughts couldn't be shared because no one could ever understand what I've been through and understand me.

The reason I enjoyed the poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" was because it hit close to home with me. The last couple of years I've been through a lot in my life, with my family and friends. This poem talks about how good things only stay for a short time and that they also don't come that often. Frost makes a few analogies that all go with the theme of nature, which was made perfectly. One thing I really enjoyed about this poem was that I understood it. Usually I can never understand poems truly. I may get the basic thought down, but that's not what the author was trying to convey. What they usually go for is a deeper thought that makes you think more, and isn't too obvious to find. Frost nailed this poem and kept it very simple, with little words, and to the point. That nothing good can last forever, also that Nothing Gold Can Stay.