Tuesday, May 21, 2013

When I Grow Up…

Like every girls dream when they were little was to be a princess. We are faced with the image that if you're not pretty like a princess, then you're ugly, so when we dress up every Halloween we like to be someone we aren't for a few hours. Wishing and wondering we could be someone we aren't, escaping to a new life.

Then we get a little older. This is where you think you're going to be someone when you grow up. I'm going to be singer, dancer, actress, celebrity, or a fashion icon. You can be anyone you want to be. As long you dream big dreams. While you’re still young you think that when you grow up everything will go right, and nothing will go wrong.

Fast forward a couple more years and make- up is introduced to us. The more the merrier we assume. Hiding are true beauty, insecurities, and imperfections. We all want to be beautiful, and we all want love. We want the love we think we deserve, and we’re willing to do anything to get it. Acting like other people and becoming their clones so we find happiness. That's all we want is to be happy, but you can't make a rainbow, without a little rain.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Some people have the great quality of lighting up any room they enter. While others bring in a pungent feeling. While I try to be as positive as can be in any situation, there are times when I can't hold my tongue, and I have to express my thoughts to someone.

Not sure if it was something I did, for you to act a certain way towards me. It's not that you're a direct mean person, in your own way you somehow disguise it. Bringing a fake smile to anything I say, when I can clearly see right through it. Its ice cold and it brings my emotion from ecstatic and happy to annoyed and sad in approximately 3 seconds. That's how quickly you can change my mood.

One thing that makes this extra hard is somehow everyone likes you, and has no problem with you, but I do. They say how you're so nice, pretty, and an overall sweet girl. This frustrates and confuses me deeply. How can they think this? Am I seeing something that is invisible, or is she only this way around me?

I will play nice. After all I will have to put up with you for the next 3 years in the fall. Will we become friends? No, never, not a chance. That ship has sailed awhile ago, but I will be respectful and kind, something that you never show me. I guess I have to be the bigger person.