Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Authors Note:
For the first time I wrote a more advanced stream of consciousness focusing on a certain thought. Mine hit close to heart because family is really important to me especially now that my brother went to college. 

Family, spending time with the ones we love.

Always there for me, always there to lend an ear and listen when I'm feeling blue, always there to match my mood, always there when I need a shoulder to cry on. Family is always there for me.

Family is so precious to me, especially now.  Now that one of the members is gone, and I only see him every so often. It's not the same anymore; one spot at the dinner table is now empty. Leaving me feel awkward that now I sit were he once did, but when I see him every month for a couple of days, I thought he would start to show some compassion now that he lives two hours from home. Though he doesn't show his love as much as I would like, it hides the pain. The pain of not seeing him and not sharing countless laughs with him. When we do hide the love it takes us away from reality on how we don't get to see him every day. The best part when he is home is having that warm feeling that everything is in place.


Dear Jordan,

The family will never be the same anymore. I will never be able to see you every day like I have in the past. You will never drive me to practice having the radio blasted piercing my ears. We will never have trench ball games one on one, on the trampoline ever again. I will never have the daily reminder on how you hate sharing germs. I will never have my Tuesday and Friday nights of watching you play basketball even though the coach was a complete moron, which is why he is the assistant coach now. I will never have the school nights of watching Glee with you, and everyone else. I will never hear you make your impressions of Jersey Shore. It will never be the same without one piece of the puzzle. It's different when you’re not around; I love you with all my heart. I miss you dearly, have fun and go crazy, but still work hard in college. See you soon!

Love your Little Sister,


1 comment:

  1. Katie, this piece is especially emotional, and powerful. I am proud that you have the courage to share this, and I certainly hope that you let Jordan know to look this over.
    At the same time, I think you took this piece to publishing too fast. There are errors here that I would like you to repair, using the correct punctuation so that you can maintain the voice which is strong. If you want to work on this together, let me know.
